Doctor Characters


Doctor Characters

Correy Taylor
Doctor Characters, 2021
Digital Piece
21cm x 29.7cm

I have created an A4 digital piece of work using Adobe Photoshop. I really enjoyed creating the Nurse characters and decided to create a characters based on healthcare workers. I labeled the pieces 'Doctors' and 'Nurses' for now but I may change the name as I have created various healthcare characters and I believe that both genders can obtain these jobs however, I used 'Doctors' and Nurses' to summarize the general subject area in which I've illustrated. Once again, I created the characters traditionally using graphite pencils and then decided to use Adobe Photoshop to give the characters more of a finalized look to the piece of work. I have created five male healthcare workers including; Doctor, Nurse, Squint/trainee doctor and a surgeon. I really enjoyed using colour to give personalities to these characters such as the timid squint. I decided to give him a shirt and tie but no blazer to represent that he is younger and not as formally dressed as the doctors. My favourite character is the surgeon, I love his pastel green scrubs and I love his wild grey curls that compliments his deep, rich skin-tone. I think that the four male characters fit really well together and the colour scheme is mostly cool tones which represents the seriousness of the healthcare workers. I decided to create a simplistic background, using lighter tones typically used in a hospital setting. I used the rectangle tool on Adobe Photoshop to create the flooring and I think it works really well with the characters. I am really enjoying my experimentation with Adobe Photoshop as I am able to create finalized pieces faster and make adjustments to my illustrations with ease. Overall, I think that the digital piece works really well as a standalone piece and with the nurses characters. I like the combination of colours and I like the range in characters from different ages to race or ethnicity. This is to showcase the important role that healthcare workers have during COVID 19 and the hardwork they are doing to help vulnerable people during our current society.


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