Heart Disease Poster


Heart Disease Poster

Correy Taylor
Heart Disease Poster, 2020
Digital Piece
29.7cm x 21cm

I have created an A4 digital poster, based on my research into Heart Disease. This piece is the first poster in a set of ten that I am going to be creating for my Graduate Portfolio module at university. The brief for this module is to create a many pieces or a set of work compiled as a digital portfolio. For this project, I decided to focus on the main diseases affecting women. This includes;  Coronary Heart disease, Lung cancer, Ovarian cancer, Breast cancer,  Polycystic Ovary syndrome, Retts syndrome, Turner syndrome, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Cardiovascular Disease, Endometriosis, Interstital Cystitus, Uterine Fibroids and Infertility. I have conducted various research on these diseases and illnesses to inform my practise and this has led to my idea to illustrate health posters that intrigues, informs and educates my audience. I want to create posters that are a reminder of just how close to home that these diseases are and creating awareness allows more people to talk about these diseases. I created the heart disease poster by using watercolours on high quality watercolour paper, which I outlined using a black fine-liner. I was heavily inspired by the  flowers named 'Sweet Williams' or  'Dianthus Barbatus', which translates to heart attack. I thought that these flowers were really interesting as they come in a range of colours including; red, pink, white and bicolour, with a contrasting eye and fringed petals that are bearded on the inside. I decided to create a piece of work that had the heart attack flowers, squeezing around the heart to represent a heart attack. I also decided that I wanted the flowers to be dying to show the result that the heart attack has on the body and how it leaves you feeling vulnerable, leading to a life-changing switch in diet, exercise and lifestyle choices to limit the chances of another heart attack. I decided that my creamy watercolours would create a vibrant colour palette for the heart disease poster and it would be easier to then scan the painting into the printer and onto the computer, allowing me to edit the poster in Photoshop and adding typographical elements. I experimented with the poster using Photoshop to manipulate the image and add filters. I really liked how the adjustments that I made, caused the image to show the texture in the original watercolour paper and how the bright yellow background, compliments the red. The adjustment of light in the image caused the flowers to look like they are decaying and I really like the effect as I think that it worked really well with the idea behind the poster. To improve, I would have added heart disease to the poster as i'm not sure if its obvious enough. Overall I really like the poster and I think that the type works well. I tried really hard to use typographic hierarchy and making sure that the poster looks professional.


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